How to Be More Confident: A Simple, Effective Technique

How to Be More Confident: A Simple, Effective Technique
Photo by Joshua Reddekopp / Unsplash

We all want to feel confident. It’s a powerful feeling that can change the way you see yourself and your life. But what is confidence? And how do we develop it? Confidence is often described as a sense of self-assurance. The more certain you are about your abilities, the more confident you will be. The root word of "confidence" is from the Latin word "fiducia," which means trust. This is because when you're confident, you trust in your abilities and decisions. Here, are some ways to build your confidence starting today!

What is confidence?
Confidence is a decision. It's the choice to believe in yourself, and that your decisions are good and right. It means that you are willing to commit yourself to your goals and aren't afraid to show them to others. It's being proud of what you do.  I made a decision a long time ago that I wanted to do something amazing with my life. It's always been my dream to be a successful author, and my most vivid recollection of having this dream was when I was a little kid in kindergarten. I think about how different my life would have been had I started writing as soon as I was able to. But I didn't, and so here I am. My confidence has been built over many years.

Ways to build your confidence

  1. Recognize your role in making your own luck.  When you feel confident, you tend to believe in yourself and your ability to get things done. And that leads to your ability to accomplish your goals. When you believe in your abilities, you often also let go of many inhibitions, believing that the results will happen. Remember that you don't have to do everything alone. Look for a mentor, network with other professionals, and ask for help. Asking for advice and feedback from others also helps you get even more clarity.  

2. Ask for the raise.  Ask for a promotion? That's great! But that's not enough. To feel confident, you also have to work hard and think about your own performance. It's like focusing on your playing with your instrument so much that you can play any song.

Practice self-compassion
Self-compassion means to respect, honor, and love yourself for who you are. It's a powerful tool to help you build confidence because you are able to accept who you are and where you are in life. This is vital because life's experiences and challenges can feel isolating, and your self-confidence takes a dive.  Self-compassion is a mindful way to accept yourself where you are today and try to accept your challenges, as well as your accomplishments, as something that's necessary to move forward.  Practice self-awareness  One of the things that often sets us apart from others is our self-awareness. If you're familiar with self-awareness, you can sense when your confidence is lacking. So, what can you do to improve your self-awareness? Self-awareness is a skill that requires practice.

Become mindful
Start taking a few minutes each day to observe yourself and your reactions. Observe how you react to things and how you feel about certain situations. If you find you're becoming hard on yourself, stop it. Your body can't lie to you. You have to own your feelings and not try to be perfect.  Stay focused  You may be tempted to try and play mind games with yourself. Don't play those games. The only way to have the best chance of building your confidence is to stay focused on the big picture.  Consider another person's perspective  If you're feeling pretty confident about something, try thinking of what someone else's perspective is. Instead of telling yourself how amazing you are, think about how someone else might react to the same situation.

Confidence is an elusive goal. Everyone has their own definition, but it is possible to be confident in different aspects of your life. For some, it's their looks, for others, it's their financial situation, for some, it's their success, but ultimately, it's the way you feel inside.  If you have something that you are confident about, take a moment to reflect on that. Share this article with your friends and family. Try to find opportunities to share your joy and to remind yourself why you have these feelings.  Here’s one last saying for today. Confidence, like a five year old boy’s hair, grows on its own.  Related: 4 Signs You're Feeling Confident  Would you like to learn more about mental skills? Click here to learn more about the 12 most critical skills in today's workplace.